Wk1 Virtual Class Session

After watching this week’s class, I started to think about how much I would have loved to have taken this class at the beginning of this program. We talked a lot about copyright free things but did not get the details that I received within this weeks work. During the session we went over in detail what is expected within this class. I feel that it helps us to be prepared for each step in our journey so that we will not fall behind. It is very easy to run into hiccups when you don’t have a clue of what to do next. I really enjoyed talking what is going to get us to the finish line because it is so easy to fall behind because of not having a clear road. The focus of the Capstone is our drive the additional information in this class is going to help us to put it all together.

Wk 1 Ben Witter post and my response

Week 1 Leadership Post: To Publish or Present?

Posted in Week 1 on October 28, 2012 by benwitter

I am actually pretty torn between the two right now.

I really like the idea of presenting. There is nothing quite like the energy that exists at a live event. The unknown variables of audience receptiveness, response, or questions excite me. I like the spontaneity of the whole affair. I could practice and rehearse for months, yet I’m not exactly sure what I’ll say when the moment arises. The sounds audience members make when a novel idea strikes them is rewarding. Knowing that I shaped someone’s thought process or that I had an impact on how they perceive things is very gratifying.

On the other hand, publishing an article intrigues me as well. I can spend hours and hours making sure I say the right thing. With an article I know exactly what I am trying to convey and can make sure I use the words I need to convey those thoughts. There would be no butterflies or knots in the stomach because no public address would be made. Many more people might be reached with my ideas as the publication would be available to a broader range of people, as well as probably archived online for later viewing.

Well, I guess the only equitable way to decide is by surrendering to chance. So I’ll flip a coin. Heads I present, tails I publish.

There you have it. I’m publishing.


All images are copyright compliant from morguefile.com

My Response

Ben once again you have amazed me with your words. I completely agree with your entire post. I believe that you would do a wonderful job in front of a large audience and would probably make the entire crowd want to rethink their jobs. One of the things that I love about writing a paper is that I would be able to control my mistakes and my hiccups. After watching your videos over the past 10 months I think that you would really inspire the entire group in front of you. You are a great leader and I am excited to hear what you do after you publish your work.

WK 1 Ketsana’s post and my response

Week 1 Copyright Issues

Posted by Ketsana in Media Asset Creation and tagged with , , , , October 25, 2012

Copyright laws are really complex. There are many gray areas. While watching the disturbing film Good Copy, Bad Copy, I started thinking about my son who is a hip hop artist. He is a great musician. He works really hard on his projects. I wonder what his thoughts were on the idea of someone copying/sampling his work. “Sampling is an art form. It’s weird that people can cover entire songs and they are automatically allowed to through compulsory licenses, but taking a five second loop is illegal and needs legal action.” He goes on to say that he would not care if others sampled his music as long as it’s not a defamation of it.

Here is one of his album covers.

I think it’s important to respect others’ work, but I think we should not hinder creative people to build upon something already out there. I think of all the great ideas I have received from others and I have used in my lessons. Did I follow copyright laws? Of course, I never made money from these lessons. I just simply “borrowed” them from other teachers or from books. My students learned and we all moved on. Did I hurt someone without even knowing it?

How many teachers have bought one of those great resource (expensive) books with the “copyright, do not copy, or reproduce” notice and then copied off 50 pages to use with the students? This is a violation. But should legal actions be taken against a teacher who does this?

Copyright compliant. This sounds very official, but it simply means that what you’re using is your own, you have permission to use it, and/or you are using it in the way that original owner of the work intended.

Before I enrolled in EMDT, I never really thought about copyright issues. I am learning so much and yet have so much more to learn. It all comes down to getting permission and giving credit where credit is due. And if you’re not sure, do not use it. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

After this week’s reading on copyright issues, I feel like I need to re-watch the movie The Social Network.





My Response

There are so many different issues that we see everyday with copyrighting within schools. I see it mostly with musicians just trying to stay within the parameter of “This is legal”. I think about how often like Kevin said I would make copies of music so the entire chorus would have it and I would not have to go into my budget. I know that many different musicians do not want for anyone else to use their music unless they get paid. He might not say that if someone took his music and made millions from what he worked on. The world of music and copyright is very weird. Musicians want to say they don’t care if someone else uses their music but in the end they want to receive their recognition for their work.


Excited is the first word that I think about when I think about presenting the information that I have worked on for the past 10 months.

When I first thought about publishing or presenting I said that I would present my Literature Review and all of my research that I acquired over the past 10 months. My capstone project has been about motivating high school students to do something after graduating high school. The students would build an online professional profile to attract different professionals in the careers that they wanted to go towards. The entire process was great but it was challenging at the same time because it is hard to motivate students that live in tougher areas in the country. I became started  very nervous about the idea of presenting to complete strangers that would probably start off with the thought that I was possibly didn’t try hard enough with students in rough areas. I started to think about the progress that I did make with many of the students that live in rough areas. I then went through the logic of “well I could reach more people if I published but I could also answer a lot of questions.”

In the end I decided to just go ahead and publish.

WK 1 Good Copy/ Bad Copy

Good Copy/Bad Copy

I was not surprised by many of the things that are going on all over the country. As a musician myself, I know that it is easy to start off with a concept that was not originally mine and want to transform the song. As a child I remember my older sisters listening to the music of Dr. Dre and Jay – Z and never thinking “They are taking pieces of someone’s music.”

I hear other musicians in different genres of music today sampling music but of course they have licenses and go through different legal channels. I just started to think about how big the market is all over the country and world. How can you really regulate something that is seen more like helping advance technology to those that are trying to make money off of other people sounds and ideas. The trouble with this is that we can not regulate something that in my opinion is going to continue to progress. Years ago not many people could build a studio within their homes now I know 4 kids under 17 years old with their own Apple computers and building their own studios. This is the reality of our future.